Monday, July 31, 2017

Blog 6

I agree with Kelly's blog arguing that the "U.S. government was right to terminate the insurance coverage of women's contraceptives." I concur with the point that the coverage isn't necessarily free, but rather paid for by all Americans through taxes. Thus prompting the question, why should everyone have to pay for what only some people use?
 Furthermore, I admire the analogy comparing the concept of health insurance and birth control to car insurance and gasoline. To me, the idea of healthcare and birth control went hand-in-hand with feminism. However, I believe this analogy expanded my reasoning and demonstrated how it truly isn't an issue over feminism, but simply an issue over practicality of insurance coverage. 
Overall, I think Kelly made a lot of interesting and thought-provoking points in her blog. I commend how she used statistics and analogies to argue her point, respectfully. She offered a new perspective and reasoning on the topic, thus creating a successful blog. 

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